
These are some of the software projects I’m currently working on.

Music Lens

Music Lens (formerly Lemon) is an optical music recognition system; it does to sheet music what OCR does to text. This work was originally part of my master’s thesis at the University of Calgary way back in 1994-95. At that time, my own experiments showed that Music Lens was more accurate than two commercial offering at the time—MIDISCAN 2.0 and NoteScan 1.04—with a recognition rate of 95% versus 92% and 82%. (I have no idea how the commercial offerings perform now.)

In 2009 I started to teach myself to play the piano. This renewed my interest in Music Lens, because I wanted to use it to play unfamaliar scores so I could hear a piece before attempting to play it. Finally, in 2010, I resurrected the project, and began updating the 34,000 lines of C++ code. There’s an enormous amount of work to be done, and I don’t have any timeline for completion. See the Music Lens website for more information.

I’ve been using NOTION for my music notation needs.

That Word

That Word is a word-finding game for iOS and iPadOS. This application was my first foray into iOS development. The app was in the App Store between 2009 and 2014, and returned to the Store in 2020.


DARMS is now dead. Even back in 1995, it was almost dead. The only software I could use then was The NoteProcessor—which was a DOS program! Now, I’m looking to support MusicXML. ↩︎